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Heartland Institute 'fights back' over publication of confidential documents

"Thinktank behind efforts to discredit climate change launches fundraising drive on back of row over documents posted online"

Category: Climate Change


Al Gore: How to modify capitalism so it takes a greener long view

"Firms should focus on long term sustainable investments, say founders of Generation Investment Management"


Heartland Institute claims fraud after leak of climate change documents

"Thinktank said to be undermining climate science says it was victim of theft and forgery - but identifies only one memo as fake"

Category: Climate Change


Scotland could raise £30bn energy fund over 20 years, says Salmond

"First minister sets out economic case for independence, claiming better use of natural resources would make Scotland rich"

Category: Energy sources


Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science

"Libertarian thinktank keeps prominent sceptics on its payroll and relies on millions in funding from carbon industry, papers suggest"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 351 to 355 out of 2977